Jacquelyn Windbigler

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Jacquelyn Windbigler

Set Point Artistry by Jacquelyn Windbigler represents her exploration of bas relief sculpture art. After living in many states across the US with her husband Ron, they currently reside in Granger, Indiana. Jacquelyn was born in South Bend, Indiana, where her family roots run deep in the early Potawatomi tribe of the region.

The self taught early years of portrait commissions as well as interior design projects, kept her busy, as artist, designer, wife and mother of five, her greatest creations. It’s always been about training the eye, however, early 2015 began the study of bas relief, pulling together Jacquelyn’s love of ancient civilizations and humanity’s current creative mind. The healthy cultivation of what inspires us, she feels, fosters a personal satisfaction with self. She encourages us to receive inspiration enthusiastically, as it’s all around us, and it’s free! Her desire is to remind us that doing what makes our inner being smile, is life giving.