Christine Bush

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463385230 1284217299416333 3711950215765909435 n
463370441 1284217212749675 2109947164529701299 n

Christine Bush

Christine has lived in British Columbia, Canada, Oslo, Norway, The Florida Keys and now Muncie, IN. She has traveled the world and has a lifetime of experiences to pull artistic inspiration from. She first learned to sew at age 10 by making Barbi clothes. A lifetime of sewing followed, mostly practical items; school clothes, home decor and gifts. After working as a Dental Hygienist for 20 years, she went back to university at age 42 to pursue her second career, this time as a Graphic Designer. She found her calling, enjoying a 20 year stint of creativity in print design. After retirement, the compulsion to create continued resulting in first, silver-smithing & jewelry design then, visualizing and constructing unique, bold and chic clothing. With the encouragement of friends and family (and a storage issue) she began to look for ways to market her designs. The most successful and fun has been through art fairs around the Indianapolis, IN area.